Numaatkum Moplutkeenum Apps

Learn basic Physics 1
Are you looking to learn basic Physics ? Ifyes then you are at right place. Learn basic Physics here in deepand get your clear.We provide The subject Chapter vise so you can understand itbetter. We also profile different color theme so you can readeasily and more comfortable.The app is very user friendly and smooth. Please install andlearn your subject. We developed many educational and engineeringapps.1 Introduction about Physics2 Measurement3 SI standards4 Expressing larger and smaller physical quantities5 Accuracy and precision of measuring instruments6 Dimensional Analysis7 Kinematics8 Motion in one dimension (rectilinear motion)9 Scalar and vector quantities10 Newton’s Laws11 Dynamics of Rotational Motion12 Rotational motion of rigid bodies14 Gravitation and Space Science15 Uses of satellites16 Rockets − principle17 Launching a satellite18 The Universe19 Other objects in the Solar system20 GalaxyWe always ready to help you out. So send us your queries on belowemail address. Rate us, Share app it really means a lot to us.cootgukeetpam@gmail.comThank you,
Environmental Engineering 1
Are you looking to learn EnvironmentalEngineering ? If yes then you are at right place. LearnEnvironmental Engineering here in deep and get your clear.We provide The subject Chapter vise so you can understand itbetter. We also profile different color theme so you can readeasily and more comfortable.The app is very user friendly and smooth. Please install andlearn your subject. We developed many educational and engineeringapps.1 Introduction to Environment2 Natural Resources3 Renewable resources4 ROLE OF AN INDIVIDUAL IN CONSERVATION OF NATURAL RESOURCES5 Ecosystems6 STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS OF AN ECOSYSTEM7 ENERGY FLOW IN THE ECOSYSTEM8 ECOLOGICAL SUCCESSION9 INTRODUCTION TYPES CHARACTERIS STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS10 Grassland ecosystems11 Desert ecosystem12 Aquatic ecosystems13 Ecosystem14 Biodiversity15 BIOGEOGRAPHIC CLASSIFICATION OF INDIA16 BIODIVERSITY AT GLOBAL, NATIONAL AND LOCAL LEVELS17 ENDANGERED AND ENDEMIC SPECIES OF INDIA18 Pollution19 Water Pollution20 Soil Pollution and Marine Pollution21 Noise Pollution and Thermal PollutionWe always ready to help you out. So send us your queries on belowemail address. Rate us, Share app it really means a lot to us.cootgukeetpam@gmail.comThank you,
Learn basic Mathematics 1
Are you looking to learn basic Mathematics ?If yes then you are at right place. Learn basic Mathematics here indeep and get your clear.We provide The subject Chapter vise so you can understand itbetter. We also profile different color theme so you can readeasily and more comfortable.The app is very user friendly and smooth. Please install andlearn your subject. We developed many educational and engineeringapps.1 REVIEW OF BASIC MATHEMATICAL RULES2 Revision of fractions, decimals and percentages3 Laws of indices4 Engineering notation and common prefixes5 Computer numbering systems6 Algebra7 Transposition of formulae8 Quadratic equations9 Inequalities10 Number sequences11 The binomial series12 Solving equations by iterative methods13 Areas of plane figures14 Worked problems on areas of plane figures15 The circle and its propertiesWe always ready to help you out. So send us your queries onbelow email address. Rate us, Share app it really means a lot tous.cootgukeetpam@gmail.comThank you,
Civil Engineering 1
Are you looking to learn Civil Engineering ?Ifyes then you are at right place. Learn Civil Engineering hereindeep and get your clear.We provide The subject Chapter vise so you can understanditbetter. We also profile different color theme so you canreadeasily and more comfortable.The app is very user friendly and smooth. Please installandlearn your subject. We developed many educational andengineeringapps.1.Introduction2.Stone3.Bricks4.Lime5.Cement6.Mortars7.TIMBER8.USE OF CIVIL ENGINEERING MATERIALS9.Concrete10.Metals as Building Materials11.Building Planning12.DIMENSIONS OF FOUNDATION13.Miscellaneous Building Materials14.PILE FOUNDATIONS15.FOUNDATIONS IN BLACK COTTON SOIL16.Super Structures17.FLOORING18.ROOF19.DOORS AND WINDOWS20.STAIRSWe always ready to help you out. So send us your queries onbelowemail address. Rate us, Share app it really means a lot tous.cootgukeetpam@gmail.comThank you,
Aerospace Engineering 1
Are you looking to learn Aerospace Engineering? If yes then you are at right place. Learn Aerospace Engineeringhere in deep and get your clear.We provide The subject Chapter vise so you can understand itbetter. We also profile different color theme so you can readeasily and more comfortable.The app is very user friendly and smooth. Please install andlearn your subject. We developed many educational and engineeringapps.Aerospace Engineering1.Introduction to Aerospace Engineering The Process of Designing aFlight Vehicle2.Basic Introduction3.Earth’s atmosphere4.Engine characteristics5.Issues in Designing a Flight Vehicle6.Estimating the TakeOff Weight of an Aircraft7.Equations to Describe Aircraft Motion8.Aerodynamic Lift and Drag9.Aerodynamics of Wings and Aircraft10.Propulsion11.Performance12.Stability and Control13.Structures14.High Speed Flight15.Space Flight16.Takeoff and LandingWe always ready to help you out. So send us your queries onbelow email address. Rate us, Share app it really means a lot tous.cootgukeetpam@gmail.comThank you,
Agriculture Engineering 1
Are you looking to learnAgricultureEngineering ? If yes then you are at right place. LearnAgricultureEngineering here in deep and get your clear.We provide The subject Chapter vise so you can understanditbetter. We also profile different color theme so you canreadeasily and more comfortable.The app is very user friendly and smooth. Please installandlearn your subject. We developed many educational andengineeringapps.1 Introduction2 Agriculture a Description3 Dynamics in Agriculture4 Improving the Limiting Conditions for Agriculture5 Demand for Agricultural Products6 Major Trends in World Agriculture7 Agriculture and the Countryside8 Farming a Balance9 The Planning Process10 Levels of Planning11 Knowledge Systems12 Land-Use Planning13 Rural Roads14 Classification of (Rural) Roads15 Rural Traffic Problems and the Need for Planning16 Traffic Problems A SolutionWe always ready to help you out. So send us your queries onbelowemail address. Rate us, Share app it really means a lot tous.cootgukeetpam@gmail.comThank you,
Software Engineering 1
Are you looking to learn Software Engineering?If yes then you are at right place. Learn Software Engineeringherein deep and get your clear.We provide The subject Chapter vise so you can understanditbetter. We also profile different color theme so you canreadeasily and more comfortable.The app is very user friendly and smooth. Please installandlearn your subject. We developed many educational andengineeringapps.1.Introduction to Software Engineering2.Software Developement Life Cycle3.Software Development Paradigm4.Software Project Management5.Project Estimation6.Software Requirements7.Requirement Elicitation8.Software Design9.Software Analysis & Design Tools10.Data Flow Diagram11.Software Design Strategies12.User Interface Design13.Software Implementation14.Testing Levels15.Software Case Tools16.Software MaintenanceWe always ready to help you out. So send us your queries onbelowemail address. Rate us, Share app it really means a lot tous.cootgukeetpam@gmail.comThank you,
Learn Basic Botany 1
Are you looking to learn Basic Botany? Ifyesthen you are at right place. Learn Basic Botany here in deepandget your clear.We provide The subject Chapter vise so you can understanditbetter. We also profile different color theme so you canreadeasily and more comfortable.The app is very user friendly and smooth. Please installandlearn your subject. We developed many educational andengineeringapps.1 Botany Basics Introduction2 PLANT PARTS AND THEIR FUNCTIONS3 PLANT DEVELOPMENT4 Types of roots5 Types of plants and their stems6 Fruit7 Plant growth and development8 Environmental factors affecting growth9 Plant hormones and growth regulators10 Leaves as plant identifiers11 Flowers12 Plant life cycles13 PLANT NOMENCLATURE AND CLASSIFICATION14 Variety and cultivar15 Tissues and tissue systemsWe always ready to help you out. So send us your queries onbelowemail address. Rate us, Share app it really means a lot tous.cootgukeetpam@gmail.comThank you,
Telecom engineering 1
Are you looking to learn Telecom engineering?If yes then you are at right place. Learn Telecom engineeringherein deep and get your clear.We provide The subject Chapter vise so you can understanditbetter. We also profile different color theme so you canreadeasily and more comfortable.The app is very user friendly and smooth. Please installandlearn your subject. We developed many educational andengineeringapps.1.Intoduction of Communication Engineering2.Telecommunication Signals3. Communication System4. Types of Transmissions5. Telecommunications Services6. Medium Access Control Systems7. Layered Protocols and the MAC Sublayer8. Introduction to Telecommunications Services Engineering9. Polling-Based Multiple Access Networks10 . Signaling in Telecommunications Systems11. Distributed Objects12. Random Access Protocols13. Defining Terms14. Telephone Network Issues and Definitions15. Basics of ATM16.Mobility in the Internet (Mobile IP)17. An Overview of Digital Video and Multimedia TechnologiesandApplications18.Connection-Oriented Services19. FDDI CDDI and Real-Time Communications20. Mobile and Wireless Telecommunications NetworksWe always ready to help you out. So send us your queries onbelowemail address. Rate us, Share app it really means a lot tous.cootgukeetpam@gmail.comThank you,
Electrical Engineering 4
Are you unknown at the subject of ElectricalEngineering? If yes, then you are at the perfect place. The apphave very clear concept about the Electrical Engineering. You caneasily learn Electrical Engineering from here. The app is free forall. The app provides navigation for other chapters. The importantthing about this app is that we also provide pictures to visualizethe concept of particular topic. Each and every chapter of this appcontains multiple images to understand in better way.Electrical Engineering app also provides facility to share the appwith others. The complete Electrical Engineering app is very userfriendly. It works smoothly. You can learn basic ElectricalEngineering from this app. Please install the app to know moreabout the app. We have tried to all the topics and listed below inElectrical Engineering app. The app is very useful for all thestudents who are in Electrical Engineering. The complete ElectricalEngineering app is also useful for professional Electrical engineerto revise the topics. I really hope that you guys will enjoy theElectrical Engineering app.1.Introduction to Electrical Engineering2.Functions of Major Components of an Automobile3.Major Engine Components4.CHASSIS FRAME5.STEERING SYSTEM6.Steering Gear Boxes7.Steering Geometry8.Classification of Engineering Materials9.SUSPENSION SYSTEM10.SEAT DOOR AND WINDOW MECHANISM OF CAR BODY11.AIR CONDITIONING OF MOTOR VEHICLE12.PAINTING OF AUTOMOBILE13.Mechanical properties of materials14.physical properties of materials15.Electrical conductorWe always ready to improve the app, so you can send suggestions forElectrical Engineering app from app itself. Please share app, Rateapp it really means a lot to us. Thank you so much for yoursupport.Thank you,
Automobile Engineering 1
Are you looking to learn AutomobileEngineering? If yes then you are at right place. Learn AutomobileEngineeringhere in deep and get your clear.We provide The subject Chapter vise so you can understanditbetter. We also profile different color theme so you canreadeasily and more comfortable.The app is very user friendly and smooth. Please installandlearn your subject. We developed many educational andengineeringapps.1.Introduction to Automobile Engineering2.Functions of Major Components of an Automobile3.Major Engine Components4.CHASSIS FRAME5.STEERING SYSTEM6.Steering Gear Boxes7.Steering Geometry8.Classification of Engineering Materials9.SUSPENSION SYSTEM10.SEAT DOOR AND WINDOW MECHANISM OF CAR BODY11.AIR CONDITIONING OF MOTOR VEHICLE12.PAINTING OF AUTOMOBILE13.Mechanical properties of materials14.physical properties of materials15.Electrical conductorWe always ready to help you out. So send us your queries onbelowemail address. Rate us, Share app it really means a lot tous.cootgukeetpam@gmail.comThank you,
Genetic Engneering 1
Are you looking to learn Genetic Engneering?If yes then you are at right place. Learn Genetic Engneeringherein deep and get your clear.We provide The subject Chapter vise so you can understanditbetter. We also profile different color theme so you canreadeasily and more comfortable.The app is very user friendly and smooth. Please installandlearn your subject. We developed many educational andengineeringapps.1.INTRODUCTION TO BIOTECHNOLOGY BASIC CONCEPTS ANDDEFINITIONS2.Genes and heredity3.Gene4.Transcription and translation5. Regulatory mRNA sequences6. Recombinant DNA technology – an overview7. Promoters8. Plant transformation9. Plant transformation techniques10. Selectable marker genes (SMG)11. BIOTECHNOLOGY IN ANIMAL PRODUCTION12. Transgenic animals13. Applications for transgenic animals14.Biotechnology in animal health15. GENETIC ENGINEERING OF MICRO-ORGANISMS OF INTERESTTOAGRICULTURE16. GMO DETECTION IDENTIFICATION AND QUANTIFICATION METHODS17. Sampling procedures18. Molecular detection and quantification of GMOs –DNA-basedmethods19 . Molecular detection and quantification of GMOs –protein-basedmethods20. Summary of GMO analysis limits and outlookWe always ready to help you out. So send us your queries onbelowemail address. Rate us, Share app it really means a lot tous.cootgukeetpam@gmail.comThank you,
Mechatronics Engineering 1
Are you looking to learnMechatronicsEngineering ? If yes then you are at right place.LearnMechatronics Engineering here in deep and get your clear.We provide The subject Chapter vise so you can understanditbetter. We also profile different color theme so you canreadeasily and more comfortable.The app is very user friendly and smooth. Please installandlearn your subject. We developed many educational andengineeringapps.1.Introduction of Mechatronics2.Evolution of Mechatronics3.Elements of Mechatronics4 Mechatronics Applications and Home Automation5 Functions of Mechatronic Systems6 Ways of Integration7 Information Processing Systems8 Real Time Simulation9 The Mechatronic System10 Output Signals of a Mechatronic System11 Signal Conditioning12 Microprocessor Control13 Microprocessor Numerical Control14 Microprocessor Input Output Control15 Software Control16 Testing and Instrumentation17 Overview of Control Computers18 Programmable Logic Controllers19 Microactuators20 Microsensors21 Dynamic Principles for Electric and Magnetic CircuitsWe always ready to help you out. So send us your queries onbelowemail address. Rate us, Share app it really means a lot tous.cootgukeetpam@gmail.comThank you,
Learn basic Chemistry 1
Are you looking to learn basic Chemistry ?Ifyes then you are at right place. Learn basic Chemistry here indeepand get your clear.We provide The subject Chapter vise so you can understanditbetter. We also profile different color theme so you canreadeasily and more comfortable.The app is very user friendly and smooth. Please installandlearn your subject. We developed many educational andengineeringapps.1 Introduction to Chemistry & the Nature of Science2 Hypothesis, Law, & Theory3 Graphing4 Atoms – the building blocks of matter5 But what are atoms made of?6 Building molecules7 The states of matter8 The ideal gas a simple model9 Temperature and thermometers10 Energy changes in reactions11 Hydrogen and hydrides12 Boron13 Carbon14 Silicon,Nitrogen ,Phosphorus15 Oxygen and oxides16 Nitroge oxidesWe always ready to help you out. So send us your queries onbelowemail address. Rate us, Share app it really means a lot tous.cootgukeetpam@gmail.comThank you,
Learn Basic Biology 2.0
Are you looking to learn Basic Biology ? Ifyesthen you are at right place. Learn Basic Biology here in deepandget your clear.We provide The subject Chapter vise so you can understanditbetter. We also profile different color theme so you canreadeasily and more comfortable.The app is very user friendly and smooth. Please installandlearn your subject. We developed many educational andengineeringapps.1.Science Basics2.Biology - The Life Science3.The Nature of Molecules4.Cell Structure5.Chemical building block of Life6.Cell-Cell Interactions7.Membranes8.Sexual reproduction9.Gene regulation10.DNA11.Plants Details12.Mutation13 DNA Replication Areas In Chromosomes14 Measuring the Activity of RNA Polymerase15 Polymerase Elongation Rate16 Activation of Amino Acids During Protein SynthesisWe always ready to help you out. So send us your queries onbelowemail address. Rate us, Share app it really means a lot tous.cootgukeetpam@gmail.comThank you,
Electronics Engineering 1
Are you looking to learnElectronicsEngineering ? If yes then you are at right place. LearnElectronicsEngineering here in deep and get your clear.We provide The subject Chapter vise so you can understanditbetter. We also profile different color theme so you canreadeasily and more comfortable.The app is very user friendly and smooth. Please installandlearn your subject. We developed many educational andengineeringapps.1.Introduction to Electronics Engineering2. RESISTANCE3. Transistor4. Diode5. Basic Information of Semiconductor and Type of Silicon6. Ohms Law And Capacitors7. Light-Emitting Diodes LEDs8. Photoresistors And Photodiode9. Solar Cell10.Phototransistor11. Inductors12 BASIC DIGITAL ELECTRONICS13.Subfield of Electronic Engineering14.Electromagnetics15.Control systems and Project engineeringWe always ready to help you out. So send us your queries onbelowemail address. Rate us, Share app it really means a lot tous.cootgukeetpam@gmail.comThank you,
Learn Robotics Engineering 4
Are you unknown at the subject ofRoboticsEngineering? If yes, then you are at the perfect place. Theapphave very clear concept about the Robotics Engineering. Youcaneasily learn Robotics Engineering from here. The app is freeforall. The app provides navigation for other chapters. Theimportantthing about this app is that we also provide pictures tovisualizethe concept of particular topic. Each and every chapter ofthis appcontains multiple images to understand in better way.Robotics Engineering app also provides facility to share theappwith others. The complete Robotics Engineering app is veryuserfriendly. It works smoothly. You can learn RoboticsEngineeringfrom this app. Please install the app to know more aboutthe app.We have tried to all the topics and listed below inRoboticsEngineering app. The app is very useful for all thestudents whoare in Robotics Engineering. The complete RoboticsEngineering appis also useful for professional to revise thetopics. I really hopethat you guys will enjoy the RoboticsEngineering app.1 Robot Intelligence2 Installing the Compiler3 Robotics4 INTRODUCTION FOR ROBOTICS BASICS5 Types of robot6 Typical programming of an industrial robot7 TECHNOLOGIES OF A ROBOT8 Transmission system (Mechanics)9 Sensors10 Electronics11 SERVO MOTOR DESIGN12 Application types in servo motor13 Resolution14 INDUSTRIAL ROBOT15 Main types of an industrial robot16 Main robot motions17 Types of robotic chains18 Defining work space area19 TRAJECTORY PLANNING IN ROBOTICS20 Cubic polynomialsWe always ready to improve the app, so you can send suggestionsforRobotics Engineering app from app itself. Please share app,Rateapp it really means a lot to us. Thank you so much foryoursupport.Thank you,
Basic Engineering 1
Are you unknown at the subject ofBasicEngineering? If yes, then you are at the perfect place. Theapphave very clear concept about the Basic Engineering. You caneasilylearn Basic Engineering from here. The app is free for all.The appprovides navigation for other chapters. The important thingaboutthis app is that we also provide pictures to visualize theconceptof particular topic. Each and every chapter of this appcontainsmultiple images to understand in better way.Basic Engineering app also provides facility to share theappwith others. The complete Basic Engineering app is veryuserfriendly. It works smoothly. You can learn Basic Engineeringfromthis app. Please install the app to know more about the app.Wehave tried to all the topics and listed below in BasicEngineeringapp. The app is very useful for all the students who arein BasicEngineering. The complete Basic Engineering app is alsouseful forprofessional to revise the topics. I really hope that youguys willenjoy the Basic Engineering app.1 INTRODUCTION2 Scalars and Vectors3 Machines4 Simple Machines5 Friction and Lubrication6 Material7 Iron and Steel8 Cement9 Introduction to Aerospace Engineering The Process ofDesigninga Flight Vehicle10 Botany Basics Introduction11 INTRODUCTION TO BIOTECHNOLOGY BASIC CONCEPTSANDDEFINITIONS12 Introduction to Environment13 REVIEW OF BASIC MATHEMATICAL RULES14 Introduction to tv engineering15 Intoduction of Communication Engineering16 Introduction to Automobile EngineeringWe always ready to improve the app, so you can sendsuggestionsfor Basic Engineering app from app itself. Please shareapp, Rateapp it really means a lot to us. Thank you so much foryoursupport.Thank you,
Learn Welding Technology 4
Are you unknown at the subject ofWeldingTechnology? If yes, then you are at the perfect place. Theapp havevery clear concept about the Welding Technology. You caneasilylearn Welding Technology from here. The app is free for all.Theapp provides navigation for other chapters. The importantthingabout this app is that we also provide pictures to visualizetheconcept of particular topic. Each and every chapter of thisappcontains multiple images to understand in better way.Welding Technology app also provides facility to share theappwith others. The complete Welding Technology app is veryuserfriendly. It works smoothly. You can learn Welding Technologyfromthis app. Please install the app to know more about the app.Wehave tried to all the topics and listed below in WeldingTechnologyapp. The app is very useful for all the students who arein WeldingTechnology. The complete Welding Technology app is alsouseful forprofessional to revise the topics. I really hope that youguys willenjoy the Welding Technology app.1 Introduction to Welding Technology2 WELDING SAFETY3 Types of Welding4 stick or wire which is your wedding preference5 Welding Terminology6 Types of Welds7 Parts of Welded Joints8 Parts of Welds and Welding Symbols9 Arc Welding10 Arc Welding Safety11 Basic Electricity and Welding12 Classifications of Electrodes13 Striking an Arc14 Basics of Metallurgy Principles15 Defects in Metal Crystals16 Phase Diagrams17 Basics of Welding Metallurgy18 Carbon and Low Alloy Steels19 Welding Equipment20 Laser Beam WeldingWe always ready to improve the app, so you can sendsuggestionsfor Welding Technology app from app itself. Please shareapp, Rateapp it really means a lot to us. Thank you so much foryoursupport.Thank you,
Learn Organic Chemistry 4
Are you unknown at the subject ofOrganicChemistry? If yes, then you are at the perfect place. Theapp havevery clear concept about the Organic Chemistry. You caneasilylearn Organic Chemistry from here. The app is free for all.The appprovides navigation for other chapters. The important thingaboutthis app is that we also provide pictures to visualize theconceptof particular topic. Each and every chapter of this appcontainsmultiple images to understand in better way.Organic Chemistry app also provides facility to share theappwith others. The complete Organic Chemistry app is veryuserfriendly. It works smoothly. You can learn Organic Chemistryfromthis app. Please install the app to know more about the app.Wehave tried to all the topics and listed below in OrganicChemistryapp. The app is very useful for all the students who arein OrganicChemistry. The complete Organic Chemistry app is alsouseful forprofessional to revise the topics. I really hope that youguys willenjoy the Organic Chemistry app.1 What is organic chemistry2 Organic compounds3 Organic chemistry and industry4 The structures of two dyes5 Organic chemistry and the periodic table6 Colour7 Hydrocarbon frameworks and functional groups8 Drawing molecules9 Hydrocarbon frameworks10 Organic elements11 Carbon rings12 Branches13 Functional groups14 Carbon atoms carrying functional groups can be classifiedbyoxidation level15 Naming compounds16 What do chemists really call compounds17 Mass spectrometry18 Infrared spectra19 Mass spectra, NMR, and IR combined make quickidentificationpossible20 The Claisen ester condensation compared to thealdolreactionWe always ready to improve the app, so you can sendsuggestionsfor Organic Chemistry app from app itself. Please shareapp, Rateapp it really means a lot to us. Thank you so much foryoursupport.Thank you,
Learn Inorganic Chemistry 4
Are you unknown at the subject ofInorganicChemistry? If yes, then you are at the perfect place. Theapp havevery clear concept about the Inorganic Chemistry. You caneasilylearn Inorganic Chemistry from here. The app is free for all.Theapp provides navigation for other chapters. The importantthingabout this app is that we also provide pictures to visualizetheconcept of particular topic. Each and every chapter of thisappcontains multiple images to understand in better way.Inorganic Chemistry app also provides facility to share theappwith others. The Inorganic Chemistry app is very user friendly.Itworks smoothly. You can learn Inorganic Chemistry from thisapp.Please install the app to know more about the app. We havetried toall the topics and listed below in Learn InorganicChemistry app.The app is very useful for all the students who arein InorganicChemistry. The Inorganic Chemistry app is also usefulforprofessional to revise the topics. I really hope that you guyswillenjoy the Inorganic Chemistry app.1 Introduction and basic concepts of Inorganic Chemistry2 DEFINITIONS OF OXIDATION AND REDUCTION3 WRITING IONIC EQUATIONS FOR REDOX REACTIONS4 OXIDATION STATES5 Elements and Periodicity6 Bonding states of elements7 Bonding and Structure8 Reaction9 Latimer diagram10 Acid and Base11 Hydrogen and hydrides12 Atoms13 Basic Concepts molecules14 Boron15 Carbon16 Silicon and Nitrogen17 Phosphorus18 Halides of nonmetals19 Chemistry of Transition Metals20 Organometallic Chemistry of d Block MetalsWe always ready to improve the app, so you can sendsuggestionsfor Learn Inorganic Chemistry app from app itself.Please shareapp, Rate app it really means a lot to us. Thank you somuch foryour support.Thank you,
Learn Complete Zoology 4
Are you unknown at the subject of Zoology?Ifyes, then you are at the perfect place. The app have veryclearconcept about the Complete Zoology. You can easily learnCompleteZoology from here. The app is free for all. The appprovidesnavigation for other chapters. The important thing aboutthis appis that we also provide pictures to visualize the conceptofparticular topic. Each and every chapter of this appcontainsmultiple images to understand in better way.Complete Zoology app also provides facility to share the appwithothers. The Complete Zoology app is very user friendly. Itworkssmoothly. You can learn Complete Zoology from this app.Pleaseinstall the app to know more about the app. We have tried toall thetopics and listed below in Learn Complete Zoology app. Theapp isvery useful for all the students who are in Zoology. TheCompleteZoology app is also useful for professional to revise thetopics. Ireally hope that you guys will enjoy the Complete Zoologyapp.1 Introduction Zoology2 Principles of Science3 Theories of Evolution and Heredity4 Mendelian Heredity and the Chromosomal Theory ofInheritance5 Integument among Various Groups of Animals6 Animal Coloration7 Hydrostatic Skeletons8 Rigid Skeletons9 Notochord and Cartilage10 Effect of Body Size on Bone Stress11 Animal Movement12 Homeostasis Birth of a Concept13 Water and Osmotic Regulation14 Invasion of Fresh Water15 Invertebrate Excretory Structures16 Arthropod Kidneys17 Temperature Regulation in Endotherms18 Adaptations for Hot Environments19 Adaptations for Cold Environments20 Adaptive Hypothermia in Birds and MammalsWe always ready to improve the app, so you can sendsuggestionsfor Learn Complete Zoology app from app itself. Pleaseshare app,Rate app it really means a lot to us. Thank you so muchfor yoursupport.Thank you,
Learn Biotechnology 4
Are you unknown at the subject ofLearnBiotechnology? If yes, then you are at the perfect place. Theapphave very clear concept about the Learn Biotechnology. Youcaneasily learn Biotechnology from here. The app is free for all.Theapp provides navigation for other chapters. The importantthingabout this app is that we also provide pictures to visualizetheconcept of particular topic. Each and every chapter of thisappcontains multiple images to understand in better way.Learn Biotechnology app also provides facility to share theappwith others. The complete Learn Biotechnology app is veryuserfriendly. It works smoothly. You can learn Biotechnology fromthisapp. Please install the app to know more about the app. Wehavetried to all the topics and listed below in LearnBiotechnologyapp. The app is very useful for all the students whoare in LearnBiotechnology. The complete Learn Biotechnology app isalso usefulfor professional to revise the topics. I really hopethat you guyswill enjoy the Learn Biotechnology app.1 Introduction to Biotechnology2 Genetic Engineering3 Tissue Culture4 Cloning5 Impact of Biotechnology6 Drawbacks of biotechnology7 Types of tissue culture8 Biotechnology Concepts and Techniques9 Industrial Biotechnology10 Cell Culture11 Protein Engineering12 Nanobiotechnology13 Microarrays14 Micropopagation and Embryo rescue15 Molecular Breeding and Marker Assisted Selection16 Genetic Engineering and GM Crops17 Development of transgenic crops18 Organic foods19 Bioprocessing Technology and Monoclonal Antibodies20 Protein Engineering and BiosensorsWe always ready to improve the app, so you can sendsuggestionsfor Learn Biotechnology app from app itself. Pleaseshare app, Rateapp it really means a lot to us. Thank you so muchfor yoursupport.Thank you,
Learn Digital Electronics 4
Are you unknown at the subject ofDigitalElectronics? If yes, then you are at the perfect place. Theapphave very clear concept about the Digital Electronics. Youcaneasily learn Digital Electronics from here. The app is freeforall. The app provides navigation for other chapters. Theimportantthing about this app is that we also provide pictures tovisualizethe concept of particular topic. Each and every chapter ofthis appcontains multiple images to understand in better way.Digital Electronics app also provides facility to share the appwithothers. The Digital Electronics app is very user friendly. Itworkssmoothly. You can learn Digital Electronics from this app.Pleaseinstall the app to know more about the app. We have tried toall thetopics and listed below in Learn Digital Electronics app.The app isvery useful for all the students who are in DigitalElectronics. TheDigital Electronics app is also useful forprofessional to revisethe topics. I really hope that you guys willenjoy the DigitalElectronics app.1 INTRODUCTION2 THE BASIC UNIT3 AND gates4 FULL ADDERS5 THE TTL NOR GATE6 LATCHES AND FLIP-FLOPS7 Analog and Digital Sound Representation8 SEQUENTIAL LOGIC9 The JK Flip-flop10 CLOCKS AND COUNTERS11 COUNTERS12 Basic Ripple Counters13 Operational Amplifiers14 Buffers and Transceivers15 IEEEANSI Standard Symbols16 Some Common Applications of Logic Gates17 Inverter18 Logic Families – Significance and Types19 Interfacing with Different Logic Families20 Complex Programmable Logic DeviceWe always ready to improve the app, so you can send suggestionsforLearn Digital Electronics app from app itself. Please shareapp,Rate app it really means a lot to us. Thank you so much foryoursupport.Thank you,
Mechanical Engineering 1
Are you unknown at the subject ofMechanicalEngineering? If yes, then you are at the perfect place.The apphave very clear concept about the Mechanical Engineering.You caneasily learn Mechanical Engineering from here. The app isfree forall. The app provides navigation for other chapters. Theimportantthing about this app is that we also provide pictures tovisualizethe concept of particular topic. Each and every chapter ofthis appcontains multiple images to understand in better way.Mechanical Engineering app also provides facility to share theappwith others. The complete Mechanical Engineering app is veryuserfriendly. It works smoothly. You can learn MechanicalEngineeringfrom this app. Please install the app to know more aboutthe app.We have tried to all the topics and listed below inMechanicalEngineering app. The app is very useful for all thestudents whoare in Mechanical Engineering. The complete MechanicalEngineeringapp is also useful for professional to revise thetopics. I reallyhope that you guys will enjoy the MechanicalEngineering app.1. Mechanical engineering Introduction2. Units3. Engineering scrutiny4. Forces5. Stresses strains and material properties6. Conservation of energy First Law of Thermodynamics7.Fluid mechanics8.Second Law of thermodynamics9. Heat transfer10. Written and oral communication11 SYSTEMS OF UNITS12 SETS NUMBERS13 Arithmetic14 PHYSICAL MECHANICS15 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF MATERIALSWe always ready to improve the app, so you can send suggestionsforMechanical Engineering app from app itself. Please share app,Rateapp it really means a lot to us. Thank you so much foryoursupport.Thank you,
Learn Fluid Mechanics 4
Are you unknown at the subject ofFluidMechanics? If yes, then you are at the perfect place. The apphavevery clear concept about the Fluid Mechanics. You can easilylearnFluid Mechanics from here. The app is free for all. Theappprovides navigation for other chapters. The important thingaboutthis app is that we also provide pictures to visualize theconceptof particular topic. Each and every chapter of this appcontainsmultiple images to understand in better way.Fluid Mechanics app also provides facility to share the appwithothers. The Fluid Mechanics app is very user friendly. Itworkssmoothly. You can learn Fluid Mechanics from this app.Pleaseinstall the app to know more about the app. We have tried toallthe topics and listed below in Learn Fluid Mechanics app. Theappis very useful for all the students who are in Fluid Mechanics.TheFluid Mechanics app is also useful for professional to revisethetopics. I really hope that you guys will enjoy the FluidMechanicsapp.1 Fluids Mechanics and Fluid Properties2 Newton’s Law of Viscosity3 Newtonian & Non-Newtonian Fluids4 Forces in Static Fluids5 Pascal’s Law for Pressure At A Point6 Variation Of Pressure Vertically In A Fluid Under Gravity7 General Equation For Variation Of Pressure In A StaticFluid8 Pressure And Head9 Pressure Measurement By Manometer10 The “U”-Tube Manometer11 Measurement Of Pressure Difference Using a“U”-TubeManometer12 Advances to the “U” tube manometer13 Fluid pressure on a surface14 Resultant Force and Centre of Pressure on a submergedplanesurface in a liquid15 Submerged vertical surface - Pressure diagrams16 Resultant force on a submerged curved surface17 Three-dimensional flow18 Discharge and mean velocity19 Continuity20 Pressure Head, Velocity Head, Potential Head and TotalHeadWe always ready to improve the app, so you can send suggestionsforLearn Fluid Mechanics app from app itself. Please share app,Rateapp it really means a lot to us. Thank you so much foryoursupport.Thank you,
Learn Thermal Engineering 4
Are you unknown at the subject ofThermalEngineering? If yes, then you are at the perfect place. Theapphave very clear concept about the Thermal Engineering. Youcaneasily learn Thermal Engineering from here. The app is freeforall. The app provides navigation for other chapters. Theimportantthing about this app is that we also provide pictures tovisualizethe concept of particular topic. Each and every chapter ofthis appcontains multiple images to understand in better way.Thermal Engineering app also provides facility to share the appwithothers. The complete Thermal Engineering app is very userfriendly.It works smoothly. You can learn Thermal Engineering fromthis app.Please install the app to know more about the app. Wehave tried toall the topics and listed below in ThermalEngineering app. The appis very useful for all the students whoare in Thermal Engineering.The complete Thermal Engineering app isalso useful for professionalto revise the topics. I really hopethat you guys will enjoy theThermal Engineering app.1 Introduction Thermodynamics2 INTRODUCTION3 ICE-NUCLEATING PROTEINS4 Thermoacoustic Stirling prime mover and cooler5 HYSTERESES ALONG THE NUKIYAMA CURVE6 Multiple path in heat conduction7 Heat radiation8 Thermodynamics9 Thermometry and Piezometry10 Heat transfer11 Heat transfer goals and Applications12 Fluid Mechanics13 Heat Sinks and busbars14 Heat Pipes15 Heat Pipe Heat SinkWe always ready to improve the app, so you can send suggestionsforThermal Engineering app from app itself. Please share app, Rateappit really means a lot to us. Thank you so much foryoursupport.Thank you,
Learn Strength of Materials 5
Are you unknown at the subject of StrengthofMaterials? If yes, then you are at the perfect place. The apphavevery clear concept about the Strength of Materials. You caneasilylearn Strength of Materials from here. The app is free forall. Theapp provides navigation for other chapters. The importantthingabout this app is that we also provide pictures to visualizetheconcept of particular topic. Each and every chapter of thisappcontains multiple images to understand in better way.Strength of Materials app also provides facility to share theappwith others. The Strength of Materials app is very userfriendly.It works smoothly. You can learn Strength of Materialsfrom thisapp. Please install the app to know more about the app. Wehavetried to all the topics and listed below in Learn StrengthofMaterials app. The app is very useful for all the students whoarein Strength of Materials. The Strength of Materials app isalsouseful for professional to revise the topics. I really hopethatyou guys will enjoy the Strength of Materials app.1 Introduction to Strength of Materials2 Stress and Strain3 Shear Stress and Strain4 Poisson's Ratio5 Thermal Expansion and Thermal Stress6 Pressure Vessels and Stress Concentrations7 Stress Concentration in Tension8 Bolted Lap Joints Loaded in Tension9 Properties of Areas10 Compound Beams With Diferent Neutral Axes11 Hollow Beams With Diferent Neutral Axes12 Shear Diagrams13 Stresses in Beams14 Bending Stress in Steel Beams15 Beam DefectionWe always ready to improve the app, so you can send suggestionsforLearn Strength of Materials app from app itself. Please shareapp,Rate app it really means a lot to us. Thank you so much foryoursupport.Thank you,
Biomedical Physics 4
Are you unknown at the subject ofBiomedicalPhysics? If yes, then you are at the perfect place. Theapp havevery clear concept about the Biomedical Physics. You caneasilylearn Biomedical Physics from here. The app is free for all.Theapp provides navigation for other chapters. The importantthingabout this app is that we also provide pictures to visualizetheconcept of particular topic. Each and every chapter of thisappcontains multiple images to understand in better way.Biomedical Physics app also provides facility to share the appwithothers. The Biomedical Physics app is very user friendly. Itworkssmoothly. You can learn Biomedical Physics from this app.Pleaseinstall the app to know more about the app. We have tried toallthe topics and listed below in Learn Biomedical Physics app.Theapp is very useful for all the students who are inBiomedicalPhysics. The Biomedical Physics app is also useful forprofessionalto revise the topics. I really hope that you guys willenjoy theBiomedical Physics app.1 Introduction2 What can hep do for medical physics3 convenxonal xray sources4 Diagnosis5 Radiotherapy6 What is medical imaging7 Nuclearmedicine8 Sound9 Frequency and Amplitude10 Harmonics and Superposition11 Sonograms12 Mechanisms for Generating Sound13 Filters and Resonances14 Standing Waves15 Filtering a Signal16 The Oscine Syrinx17 The Nonoscine Syrinx18 Linear Oscillators19 Energy Losses20 Oscillations in the SyrinxWe always ready to improve the app, so you can send suggestionsforLearn Biomedical Physics app from app itself. Please shareapp,Rate app it really means a lot to us. Thank you so much foryoursupport.Thank you,
Thermodynamics Engineering 4
Are you unknown at the subjectofThermodynamics Engineering? If yes, then you are at theperfectplace. The app have very clear concept about theThermodynamicsEngineering. You can easily learn ThermodynamicsEngineering fromhere. The app is free for all. The app providesnavigation forother chapters. The important thing about this app isthat we alsoprovide pictures to visualize the concept of particulartopic. Eachand every chapter of this app contains multiple imagestounderstand in better way.Thermodynamics Engineering app also provides facility to sharetheapp with others. The Thermodynamics Engineering app is veryuserfriendly. It works smoothly. You can learnThermodynamicsEngineering from this app. Please install the app toknow moreabout the app. We have tried to all the topics and listedbelow inLearn Thermodynamics Engineering app. The app is veryuseful forall the students who are in Thermodynamics Engineering.TheThermodynamics Engineering app is also useful for professionaltorevise the topics. I really hope that you guys will enjoytheThermodynamics Engineering app.1 Introduction2 Fundamentals3 SYSTEMS AND CONTROL VOLUMES4 PROPERTIES OF A SYSTEM5 DENSITY AND SPECIFIC GRAVITY6 STATE AND EQUILIBRIUM7 The Steady-Flow Process8 TEMPERATURE AND THE ZEROTH LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS9 The International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90)10 PRESSURE11 Variation of Pressure with Depth12 THE MANOMETER13 Other Pressure Measurement Devices14 THE BAROMETER AND ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE15 PROBLEM-SOLVING TECHNIQUE16 FORMS OF ENERGY17 Some Physical Insight to Internal Energy18 More on Nuclear Energy19 ENERGY TRANSFER BY HEAT20 Non mechanical Forms of WorkWe always ready to improve the app, so you can send suggestionsforLearn Thermodynamics Engineering app from app itself. Pleaseshareapp, Rate app it really means a lot to us. Thank you so muchforyour support.Thank you,
Electronics and Communication 4
Are you unknown at the subject ofElectronicsand Communication Engineering? If yes, then you are atthe perfectplace. The app have very clear concept about theElectronics andCommunication Engineering. You can easily learnElectronics andCommunication Engineering from here. The app is freefor all. Theapp provides navigation for other chapters. Theimportant thingabout this app is that we also provide pictures tovisualize theconcept of particular topic. Each and every chapter ofthis appcontains multiple images to understand in better way.Electronics and Communication Engineering app also providesfacilityto share the app with others. The Electronics andCommunicationEngineering app is very user friendly. It workssmoothly. You canlearn Electronics and Communication Engineeringfrom this app.Please install the app to know more about the app.We have tried toall the topics and listed below in LearnElectronics andCommunication Engineering app. The app is veryuseful for all thestudents who are in Electronics andCommunication Engineering. TheElectronics and CommunicationEngineering app is also useful forprofessional to revise thetopics. I really hope that you guys willenjoy the Electronics andCommunication Engineering app.1 Basic Concepts in Electrical Engineering2 Kirchoffs Current Law3 Single Phase AC Circuits4 AC through series RC circuit5 DC machines6 Constructional details of dc Machine7 Three phase induction motor8 Amplifiers and Oscillators9 Feedback systems10 Oscillators11 Types of Oscillators12 Radar13 Navigational aids and systems14 General packet Radio Service15 Basic Electronics Semiconductor16 Type of Silicon17 Diode18 Diode Applications19 Transistor20 Light Emitting DiodesWe always ready to improve the app, so you can send suggestionsforLearn Electronics and Communication Engineering app fromappitself. Please share app, Rate app it really means a lot tous.Thank you so much for your support.Thank you,
Learn Medical Chemistry 4
Are you unknown at the subject ofMedicalChemistry? If yes, then you are at the perfect place. Theapp havevery clear concept about the Medical Chemistry. You caneasilylearn Medical Chemistry from here. The app is free for all.The appprovides navigation for other chapters. The important thingaboutthis app is that we also provide pictures to visualize theconceptof particular topic. Each and every chapter of this appcontainsmultiple images to understand in better way.Medical Chemistry app also provides facility to share the appwithothers. The Medical Chemistry app is very user friendly. Itworkssmoothly. You can learn Medical Chemistry from this app.Pleaseinstall the app to know more about the app. We have tried toallthe topics and listed below in Learn Medical Chemistry app. Theappis very useful for all the students who are in MedicalChemistry.The Medical Chemistry app is also useful for professionalto revisethe topics. I really hope that you guys will enjoy theMedicalChemistry app.1 Introduction2 Drugs3 Characteristics of Diffrent Routes of Drug Administration4 Site of Drug Action & Mode of Drug Action5 Mechanism of Drug Action6 Drug Receptor Interactions7 Drug Receptor Interactions8 Receptor site theories9 Solubility10 Partition Coefficient11 Dissociation Constants12 Hydrogen Bonding13 Moler Refractivity & Ionaization of Drugs&Complexation14 The Prodrug Concept15 Classification of Prodrugs16 Devlopment of produdrugs17 Drug Metabolism18 Metabolic Reactions19 General Anesthetics20 Mechanism of Action of General AnestheticsWe always ready to improve the app, so you can send suggestionsforLearn Medical Chemistry app from app itself. Please share app,Rateapp it really means a lot to us. Thank you so much foryoursupport.Thank you,